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Specialty Courses

Advanced Buoyancy and Peak Performance Buoyancy Observe the aquatic environment without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level.   Find Out More

Computer Nitrox Course You no longer have to make a choice between safety and longer dive times - Nitrox is the key. Enrolling in our most popular specialty program will teach you what you need to know about Enriched Air Nitrox. Find Out More

Deep Diver Course Find Out More

Marine Ecosystems Awareness Divers have a vested interest in protecting the marine environment. In many cases, divers do not have environmental information about the various sites that they dive or enjoy with family. This specialty is designed to increase the open water diver’s understanding of marine and freshwater environments, the proble... Find Out More

Night and Limited Visibility Specialty Diver Course Find Out More

Search and Recovery Prepare yourself for special skills and techniques necessary to successfully plan, execute and evaluate a search and recovery dive for lost booty! Find Out More

Solo Diver Program Find Out More

Underwater Navigation Specialty Course Divers use the tricks and techniques of navigation to find an ideal exit point at the end of a dive without the need for an uncomfortable surface swim. You will learn how easy and simple navigation can be and how it will help you below the surface. Find Out More

Underwater Photography Diver Course Find Out More

Wreck Diver Course Find Out More

Project Aware Specialty Special Price for the January Project Aware Specialty! Uniting scuba divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference. By earning this certification, you’ll learn how you can make a difference for ocean protection every time you dive or travel. Find Out More

Project Aware - Dive Against Debris Project AWARE’s flagship citizen-science program, Dive Against Debris®, empowers scuba divers to remove marine debris from the ocean and report data on the types, quantities and locations of materials collected. Since the program’s launch in 2011, more than 50,000 divers have participated in Dive Aga... Find Out More

REFRESHER COURSE This course is for the certified diver who has been inactive for a period of time and wishes to review and refresh the scuba skills and diving information before starting to dive again. One in-water (confined or pool) training dive is required. The instructor may use their discretion with reference to the skills needed... Find Out More
