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First Aid Courses

ADULT, CHILD & INFANT EMERGENCY CARE This course is cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and automated external defibrillator (AED) use combined into one program.  It is designed to teach the techniques to administer CPR, first aid, and utilize an AED in emergency situations involving infants, children, and adults. This comprehensive p... Find Out More

CPR and AED Course The Emergency First Response CPR & AED course teaches the basic principles of CPR and how to deploy and use an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) in an emergency situation. This life saving device can increase a patient’s chance of survival from a cardiac arrest by fifty percent. This course is v... Find Out More

EFR Primary and Secondary Care Emergency First Rersponse Primary and Secondary Care "Creating the Confidence to Care". *(eLearning also required) Are you Ready? What would you do if a co-worker, dive buddy or family member had a sudden medical emergency - other than call 911?  This course gives you the confidence to care, ... Find Out More

Emergency Oxygen Administration/Provider Course Knowing how and when to administer emergency oxygen is a valuable skill to have in a dive emergency. PADI® Emergency Oxygen Provider prepares you to offer aid and teaches you to recognize scuba diving injuries and illnesses requiring emergency oxygen. This is an excellent course for scuba divers, boat crew, life... Find Out More

First Response International Training Instructor Course   Have you been teaching your entire career? Maybe Scuba Diving...maybe Flight school or Gymnastics. This program gives you the skills, knowledge and confidence to teach the First Response Training International Adult, Infant and Child Emergency Care course to students of all types and all ages. Whether you ... Find Out More

DAN DFA PRO The DAN DFA PRO course is comprised of information from the Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries, Neurological Assessment, First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries and CPR HCP plus Bloodborne pathogens.     Find Out More

DAN Basic Life Support Everyone should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of life-threatening conditions. Students in this course learn to recognize these conditions and develop the skills to respond effectively. In addition to covering the basics of cardiovascular disease, shock, asphyxia, and external bleeding, this course addresses a... Find Out More
