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Splash Club Inaugural Membership

Splash Club Inaugural Membership


Availability: In Stock

Part Number:PHOTOCLUB Manufacturer: 20K

We KNOW you want to be part of a larger dive community. We do too!

  1. Join us for local diving at no cost (you pay entry) and receive free airfills and weights for these local drive and dive excursions (with your cylinders) for our club only local diving. We normally dive local at least once monthly.
  2. Reduced cost rentals for cylinders, regulators, BCDs and dive computers.
  3. Receive special discounts throughout the store of 10% off merchandise.
  4. Receive special member discounts on all international trips.
  5. Receive discount of 10% off all service parts.
  6. Receive special pricing for Advanced Open Water Specialties and Rescue classes.



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